(adj.) 1. Capable of sustaining damage.

2. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.

3. Not invincible.
by himguy November 10, 2006
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(adj.) 1. Capable of sustaining damage.

2. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.

3. Not invincible.
by himguy November 9, 2006
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(adj.) 1. Capable of sustaining damage.

2. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.

3. Not invincible.
by himguy November 8, 2006
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(adj.) Capable of sustaining damage. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.
by himguy October 29, 2006
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(adj.) Capable of being sustaining damage. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.
by himguy October 28, 2006
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(adj.) 1. Capable of sustaining damage.

2. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.

3. Not invincible.
by himguy November 10, 2006
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(adj.) 1. Capable of sustaining damage.

2. Any person, place, or thing that can be destroyed or disassembled.

3. Not invincible.
by himguy November 10, 2006
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