The opposite of the "Director's Cut" of a film.

Typically this is created by the use of the DVD player's Fast Forward button and Subtitles to blow past the boring parts of a film that some artsy director thought he could force the audience to watch. This duplicates the job that used to be done by a film editor.
That DVD had a run time of 180 minutes but we watched the Viewer's Cut in only 90.

The director thought he was going to make us watch some guy walk down the street for three minutes, but Matt hit the subtitles and fast forwarded into Viewer's Cut mode.
by chingaleta November 11, 2010
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An under-rated and oft unknown talent that CAN be practiced and was used by the US military to seek out distant and unseeable (by conventional means) things - for lack of a better word for 20 years - at least. Anything anywhere "anytime" can be remote viewed and the practice and use was and is scientifically viable. A TRUE psychic who is NOT a charlatan. One who partakes in the act of remote viewing using proper scientific protocols.
"The remote viewer was able to find the downed plane and the department forwarded the information to President Carter who was very impressed. The program continued for years until the CIA claimed that it didn't work. Many know that this is a typical doublespeak technique and that remote viewing is used today by some of the original military experts. Perhaps - although unprovable - by many governments and/or their agencies."
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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An article of clothing that reveals the female sexual organs, i.e. the vagina, also known as the cooter.
Dude, did you see Erin Burns shorts?
Yeah, total cooter viewers man.
by hipxhopatihopx July 8, 2009
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a term used for "webcam" in order to sound less like a pedophile. often used when trying to convince parental units to buy a webcam. they are less likely to make the purchase if you use the term "webcam" because it is more often than not associated with nudity, cyber sex, and meeting creepy old men online. thus = internet viewer. family friendly! often shortened to "IV"
Ross: can i get an internet viewer? it lets you chat with friends online!
Mom: absolutely!
Ross: i'm getting some poon tonight.....
by kundus May 12, 2009
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a person that is wearing goggles and a snorkel that is looking at someones ass under water.
lets get out of the water, there is an ass viewer at 9 o'clock.
by LenaRaye November 12, 2006
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A "Twitch Viewer" someone who lives in their mom's basement and is a massive virgin and always says stupid and dumb stuff like "Hello, you seem very poggers today." They can also be repetitive and say something like "THAT'S POGCHAMP," over and over and over again.
Chad: This average Twitch Viewer is gonna be the death of me
by Average gaming chad September 23, 2021
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Why PBS has been able to produce quality television for so long.
'Slackjaw' was brought to you by Guillermo Entertainment and the support of viewers like you.
by Diggity Monkeez January 22, 2005
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