vap0r is a description, and a name for, a hawt music making pumper of penises, used mainly in the oper abused efnet irc channels, such as #PP4L.

vap0r is also a word filter go-around used for vapor, meaning prions or chuggo
<Guy1> Heard the tunes of that vap0r lately?
<Guy2> i think you mean vapors <3
Guy2 has quit IRC (Killed (Efnet Oper Abuse (K?))
<Guy1> lol owned
by Danny De'lol March 13, 2008
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A Try-Hard that playes video games all day and does Youtube streams all day
TrAgiic Vap0r is a tryhard that only does youtube streams all day
by _./UNKNOWN\._ March 29, 2018
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