To break out in a rash of Vaginas, usually brought on by being over crazy about a girlfriend you have. This girlfriend may be your first, or maybe you're just to much of a vagina to know how to handle your women. You'll usually see this rash appear after symptons like you crying yourself to sleep because your happpy, spend more then 20 bucks on her in the first 4 months, or even cut your leg and back hair just because she made a comment about you being really hairy. If you think your friend may have this no cause for alarm. This is easly treatable with creams and pills. Also heavy amounts of masterbation and watching of manly movies like Fight Club and Rocky. Also you'll have to let go of that girl, she's probbuly a Cling-On anyways. But no worrys to the friends who help the victim. As of now Vaginaria is NOT contagious.
Friend 1-My buddy just shaved his back hair for his girlfriend.
Friend 2- OMG, does he smell kind of like fish and cry about this girl
Friend 1- O god no, it can't be, not Vaginaria!
by One Knight Stand December 27, 2006
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