An idiot who doesn’t wait a while to take another vaccine and dies.
You dumb vaccinatic, you’re going to get yourself killed.
by NeoCreo March 16, 2021
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People who righteously fight to eradicate preventable diseases from their communities by bravely allowing qualified medical professionals inject them and their offspring with antibodies triumphantly developed in laboratories in order to trigger an immune response sufficient enough to protect them from said preventable disease.
"Hey, Jane is having a measles party, do you want to bring your kids so they can hurry up and get a preventable disease?"
"Hell no. My kids don't get preventable diseases. I'm a vaccinater."
by Sk8rnurse August 30, 2015
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A stupid, fucking piece of shit who hasn't for even one second taken any formal science classes at an institution for higher education--and is thus, easily influenced by fellow stupid, fucking pieces of shit like Jenny MacArthy--which causes them to be succeptable to scary sounding information even though literally every piece of scientific evidence suggests otherwise.
Hey Bill, did you hear that stupid, fucking peice of shit Larry is an anti-vaccinater?
by Standby Diver August 28, 2015
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