"Not" scrupulous; unrestrained by scruples; conscienceless; unprincipled.
You cheated on your test? You should be ashamed of your unscrupulous conduct.
by TheLastMuse July 17, 2008
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Being devious. sneaky. you morally wrong spaghett.
Cedricswan doesn't like the unscrupulousness in booty.

Xavier thought with such unscrupulousness , that he turned naughty forever.
by Aleana is a wiiner February 11, 2018
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Being devious. sneaky. You morally wrong spaghett.
Cedricswan doesn't like the unscrupulousness in booty.

Xavier thought with such unscrupulousness , that he turned naughty forever.
by Aleana is a wiiner February 11, 2018
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