Opposite of overtime. The difference between hours worked and the expected or contracted hours.
"I spent 35 hours in the office this week so I've got 5 hours of undertime."

"I've been putting in a lot of undertime lately, so I'm going to stay late tonight."
by ben.hendry July 11, 2008
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1. A term used to designate the time a partcularly skanky female radio personality spends under her male clients.
Orlando: "Jenny Boom-Boom's got 12 kids. I mean c'mon, 12 kids? That's some serious overtime!"

by El-Keter September 17, 2002
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The extra hours (beyond a 40 hour week) employees have to work before being compensated by OVERtime. Any unpaid hours worked by the employee that are donated to the company without pay.
Mikey is a slacker this week... he's only put in 4 hours of undertime.
by Lock-Mart February 21, 2006
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Getting paid for forty hours for the week when one has worked less than forty hours for the week. It is best when casual undertime is achieved by legitimate means, such as leaving early for the 4th of July Holiday with your bosses permission.
I work casual undertime during the work week before a three day weekend: I usually can leave four hours early on Friday and still be paid for them.
by William Juntunen July 1, 2004
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I love Undertime Slopper

I love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime Slopper.I love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime Slopper.I love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime Slopper.I love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime Slopper.I love Undertime SlopperI love Undertime Slopper
Person1: I love Undertime Slopper

Person2: I love Undertime Slopper!
by Barrel_Inhabitant January 4, 2023
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An undertime slopper is the act of smearing feces on one's own testicles and then using said feces to masturbate furiously.
I heard that some people enjoy undertime sloppers; I might have to try it one day.
by DaylightEnjoyer27 December 17, 2022
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