One who should be in a higher position/class, but chooses not to be for the sake of easier work, social status/life, lower expectations, or just so they can feel dominant compared to their dumbed down fellow students/workers.
Michelle's such an overachieving underachiever, she should be in academic algebra, but chose applied algebra for easier work, and is now making the entire applied algebra class look stupid.

Diego chose to stay at the crappy Seneca college just because most of his friends are going to it, even though he was accepted by Harvard University.
by Hojin :P April 7, 2011
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Person who thinks stringing together a few words and making a gay ass acronym or loser with no friends who submits someones name counts as a valid submission
Editing the submissions is not as fun as it used to be as too mant idiots are putting stupid acronyms or names of people they either love, hate, know, idolize ,etc,etc....FUCK OFF TROLL!!!

Why don't all you Urban Dictionary Underachievers (UDU's) go start a website called and troll your gay ass heads off....shiteaters!!
by Lunicus April 15, 2012
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