the good shit......only takes 2 hits to get you high
by dopey July 22, 2003
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A game which two or more people can play.

In which the participants pass around 2 or more spliffs, taking 2 tokes and then passing it on.

The smoke inhaled from these 2 tokes, and consequent tokes is held in the lungs until the first spliff comes back to you. You may then exhale and carry on the game!
Guy 1: You wanna play Two Toke Hold?
Guy 2: Yeh man, that game's whack yo'"

by LeeRoooyBrown September 13, 2008
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The act of lighting up a joint, taking two tokes and then passing it on to your friend, whilst shouting, in a high pitched voice, the word "Hee". This continues through all participants until the joint is finished.
James: Here guys, ive just skinned up a quality spliff, fancy participating in a two toke hee?

Chris: Ye man, sounds good.

Gary: Puff, Puff, Hee
by Andrewpetrie May 10, 2008
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When someone who resembles a mole (physically or mentally), takes two tokes of a joint and starts coughing up their lungs.
Two Toke Mole: Man I got so stoned last night!
Person: Dude, you took two tokes and passed out...
by roleypoleymemleh June 14, 2013
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The person that bugs the crap out of you to get high, and bitches out after the second hit because their throat hurts from hacking a lung up during the first one.

Other excuses include:
-being "wayyy to hiigh already maaan!"
-not liking the taste of weed
-not feeling 'into it' anymore

They then proceed to tell other people about how much of a champ they are.
Me: Yo man i just blazed with that really cute girl that always says she wants to get high with me

You: That really hot one that's supposedly a huge pothead?

Me: Yeah!

You:DUDE! How was it!?! You guys musta blazed for hours!

Me: I wish man.... she bailed after two hits. She said she was wayy too high and had to go home. :(

You: Really? Man, you mean that girl's just a two toke joke?

Me: Straight up.

by A.J. Eitel February 9, 2009
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-I took one hit out the bong and could feel my hair start growing.
-You are a fucking Two-Toke Jamoke.
by chew_chew June 12, 2011
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It's that stank weed that make you retarded with just 2 hits but it tastes and smells like it came straight from unda some niggas nuts.
Wow! That was some of that two-toke fromunda! I'm high as hell but my mouth tastes horrible!
by A1FoxxTrott December 9, 2019
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