A puny insult, often used in the Pokemon anime.
"Oh look, it's the little twerp"
by Vicky_G June 21, 2017
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a short annoying pest who doesn’t stop being sassy.
audrey is such a twerp
by antitwerps June 17, 2021
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Someone who is, or is similar to, Ben Shapiro. A silly and/or annoying diminutive person.
Six-Year-Old: "Mom said I could go to your friend's house with you."

14-Year-Old: "No, we're not babysitting you today, twerp."
by UNDAPANTZ! August 25, 2022
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oh god that guy over there is acting like garrett chopp… such a twerp
by lydra June 7, 2022
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twerp: an asinine creature who is hopelessly trivial and irritating to persons who have adjusted to society.
Can you believe it? I was half-way through my tuna sandwich when that useless twerp picked my nose for no good reason!!
by bigpimpinbk December 6, 2016
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