A turd so large that it ends up poking its head above the water in a toilet. Similar to an iceberg, except found in much "shittier" locations.
"Wow, I just took a huge dump and there's a turd that's sticking partway above the water!" "Sounds like you just made a turdberg... fat chance you'll get that sucker to flush!"
by Brian Feldman November 15, 2005
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A floating piece of human feces, with a density such that 8/9 of its volume is submerged underwater.
Mom: "Did lil' Parker go?"
Dad: "Yeah, there are like three turdbergs in here."
by DOOOD November 17, 2005
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When ones poop piles up to the point it sticks out above the toilet water like an iceberg made of poop.
After taking a dump, husband yells out to his wife
"Honey, come check out this turdberg before I flush."
by Ipoopalot November 18, 2012
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I love turdbergs! They save me so much money!
by Benjamin's Bacon November 2, 2010
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Noun. A collection of ice, snow, and dog feces stuck to your boot.
I just finished working in the Davis' backyard and came back to my car with the biggest turdberg you've ever seen. I hate winter.
by TheFibreInternetGuy January 6, 2018
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