A Trollis is someone who is a troll of some sort and messes around a lot. Someone who is always looking for a good laugh and ready to prank their friend at all times.
Yea that kid Josh is such a Trollis he’s always messing around.
by EutisMilloy July 2, 2023
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It is said/used after successfully tricking another person. Sometimes used to tell someone you were being sarcastic about the matter.

If used correctly, the other person should say "arms" or feel the emotion behind "arms".
James:" Hey, do you think I'm so pro in LoL?"
Jesse: "Of course, who's better then you? :3"
James: "I kno right?
Jesse: "Trollie face"
James: "ARMSSSS"
by Trollie Face March 22, 2013
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