To watch a trilogy of trilogies: the original Star Wars trilogy, the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the original Indiana Jones trilogy.
I like to trilogize at least once a year.
by garann January 14, 2015
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to turn a movie that's perfectly good on its own into a trilogy
Person A: Wow! That Avatar movie sure was perfect! They definitely don't need to add anything to that!

Person B: Haha! Too bad they're gonna trilogize it!
by Yossome January 27, 2010
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When a book, or movie series doesn't know when to stop, releasing their material in threes, thus becoming a Trilogy within a Trilogy.
"Have you seen star wars episode nine?"
"Oh my god, that's still going on?"
"Yeah It's a total Trilogical Trilogy"
by Frostflame August 22, 2013
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