A newspaper the speaker wants to put down; a rag; a birdcage liner.
I use the LA Times as a puppy trainer.
by octopod March 30, 2006
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Someone who uses trainers in online games and says they are hacking. These people usually memorize every button from the trainer without even having to look at it. Biggest noobs ever, If you see one, shout out "TK!!!!"
Stephen - "Hey man i can hack my level"
Me - "ORLY?"
Stephen - "Yeah man i use t-search"
Me - "bull shit, I know you use trainers! TK!!!"
Random guy - "WHATS A TK?"
by Rusted February 5, 2007
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the strongest pokemon trainer in the world with his level 88 Pikachu and his level 84 Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur, level 82 Snorlax and a level 80 Lapras. he is undefeated and all Gold and Cynthia fanboys/girls can go fuck themselves.
Pokemon Trainer Gold: You've come to the wrong region motherfucker.
Pokemon Trainer Red: LOL, that's cute.
by RedJ February 27, 2015
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A jog, (not walking, running or sprinting) performed with a steady cadence, by an athletic trainer responding to an injured athlete.
The athletic trainer trot (or "trainer" trot) is mostly done when the injury is non-life threatening, giving the athletic trainer an opportunity to arrive to the scene safely and still have air in lungs to asset the injury.
Jeb, (a soccer goalie) went down in pain after spraining his ankle for the 3rd time this season. Athletic Trainer Jim was on the opposite side of the field. He did the Athletic Trainer Trot 70 yards across the field to reach Jeb.
by 2017luv July 7, 2017
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A student athletic trainer is like an athletic trainer, but with no pay and less medical training. In a high school setting, they basically get water, pass out band-aids, help with treatment, and hang out with athletes. They generally spend the most time on football and other male sports, because most student trainers are females and most female athletes are bitches.
See that smokin' chick over there? She's a student athletic trainer. I'm going to get hurt so I can talk to her" " Do it man!"
by TrainingChick January 2, 2011
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