1) A man who believes himself to be old-fashioned, traditional, and/or conservative yet in reality is nothing more than a paypig for his either overty or covertly non-traditional wife or girlfriend.

2) A self-described traditionally conservative man who goes after 'born-again-virgins' or women who are looking for more traditional men solely to have a leg up in the dating game. Often these men will not hold women to the same moral standards that he supposedly holds himself to.
'My friend told me he got engaged to this wonderful girl, but after said he's prepared to spend over 10 grand on the wedding I realised he's just a tradsimp'
by FatKuhnt December 10, 2021
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Someone who's a simp (biased empathy for women, lack of it for men), but simping and (G)ynocentric only in the ways of the dinosaur times (before the internet or TV), without the modern simp's new submissions DLC for G.
They are often exploited by modern women (benefits of both old and new gynocentrism, responsibilities of neither times).

Their G views: women = children (reduced accountability, legally special protected strata, "women and children first", chivalry (special treatment)), protect women (whiteknighting, shielding from harms way), materialistic directionality bias (shielding from hardship, individually provide for women, welfare for women, better-supplied women spaces), sacrifice men for the collective/society and impose/influence self-sacrifice upon men. Finding a wife(wives) being the vaglidation goal.
- I've been forced to join the military and I'm also insured. Makes me proud knowing that my gf is safe and will be provided for, if I die. You should too 'treat a lady properly', 'grow up' - find a wife, 'be a man' - sacrifice yourself, 'take it like a man'.
- Being a tradsimp is your thing, don't impose it.
by veinsofgold September 1, 2023
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