A German word that means to suffer a feeling of time draining quickly or to suffer a feeling of time loss. A sense of anxiety or fear caused by the feeling that life's opportunities are passing by and diminishing as one ages. Has a literal meaning of "gate closing panic."
Guy 1: Hey man I'm feeling so depressed nowadays. I feel like time is going too fast and I'm missing a lot of opportunities...
Guy2: You mean torschlusspanik?
by pixelvince April 5, 2021
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1. the feeling that medieval peasants had when the castle gates were closing for an upcoming onslaught by enemies.

2. the growing panic of a childless woman as she approaches middle age, knowing that she must soon get pregnant or lose the opportunity to conceive...the ticking of the biological clock
Bring on the Torschlusspanik Bob!
by Jeffmonster November 10, 2011
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