A tootsoonie doesn't even deserve to be capitalized as a noun. It's a tootsoon and sometimes pronounced as tsootsoon. Italian for nigger. Also known as castania brugate, which is Italian for burnt chestnut. Better known to be an up and comer in the Call of Duty 4 rankings. Often cathing Monarch butterflies, singing the moofoomoofoo-man chant or watching the sunset behind the MooseShagger himself. You can find a tootsoonie in Scarborough, FO SHO!!! "Ain't nothin' but a g thang bay-bay", or possibly in my basement.
What's the difference between a picnic table and a tootsoonie? ....one supports a family, the other doesn't.

What do you call 2 tootsoonies in a sleeping bag? ..TWIX

by Tootsoonie May 21, 2008
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