Pronounced "too-fuh". Refering to the "two for one deal" in British supermarkets. It is used to add fluidity to everyday supermarket conversation (or any area that requires the act of purchasing) as the use of "two for one" has the tendency to slow down what would be a very quick sentence. As England is expensive supermarkets have introduced "two for one" deals, the population thrives on these deals in an attempt to keep the cost of their weekly shopping down.
"wait! buy these ones, they're on a toofah."

"it was on a toofah, had to buy it."

"man you got ripped off, i got those yesterday on a toofah"

"excuse me check out girl, do you have these on toofah?"
by Snake Wedderburn September 21, 2006
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A word used to refer to a racist. Most likely a Caucasian male.
Originated from the name "Eli Tufano", a slave-owner back in the early days of America. Infamous for his long family line of arrests due to racial crimes. To this date twenty-seven Asians have been kidnapped, tortured and killed- with an addition of 39 African-Americans and 20 Irish peoples. Lisa Tufano, the last of the Tufano family was sentenced to death April of 1980.

Also known as toofa, tufah, tufa, and toopha.
The man that called him a nigger must be a toofah.
by Jim July 23, 2003
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an alternate spelling may be "tufa".
Ryan Truong wishes he was a tufa, but he's not.
by paul July 23, 2003
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