A reference to a somewhat "inside" joke used in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgendered) community to the 'joke' (that is never actually spelled out when used, lest you ruin the joke and look sorta stupid), that, for every straight person that a LGBT person "recruits" into the gay ranks, the recruiting LGBT person gets a toaster as an incentive, like some banks did (long ago) to get new accounts. This reference to banking incentives shows how long this "joke" has been around. The "joke" is at the expense of the right wingers who have for years tried to characterize gay people as "those horrible deviants who are making our children (or adults) gay!!!!". Like, "Okay, YOU GOT US! We ARE recruiting! AND, we are even so organized and wily in our scheme, we have incentives and prizes for recruiting your precious, previously heaven-bound little Johnny into our shameless, hell-bound ranks."
(One lesbian to another, while discussing another person of interest): "Well, she's 'straight', but if you can get her, you know you'll get a toaster!"

Or, (One gay man to another, tounge-in-cheek): "I hope I can get that (heterosexual) man to love me! I can always use another toaster!"
by TomPnCA. February 25, 2006
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When you get a body part in a toaster and can't get it out.
Shit I got my left ass cheek stuck in a toaster and I can't get it out guess I just gotta live with toasterism.
by Lasagnaaa August 26, 2019
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another term for a vagina,due to the fact the slits are alike
"I'm going to stick my bread stick in your toaster and turn up the heat!"
by Lannyfresh February 15, 2007
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if toast is a penis...then a toaster is?
"LANISHA"= has the toaster..."JOSH"=has the toast
by Teeter September 2, 2004
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Any person who claims to be of the opposite gender, identifies with a non-binary gender, or is not a cis male or female.
Example 1:
Ryan: "Damn, that girl is one hell of a toaster!"
Tom: "Is she even a girl?"

Example 2:
Ryan: "If we get to choose any gender can I be a toaster?"
by BlueSmoke60 November 5, 2017
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The Spanish version of the n word.

A slur towards Spanish people to mock and harras them about their skin tone.
Look at those toasters always hopping the border and stealing our jobs!

Person 1: Why is toaster a slur?
Person 2: Dude you can't say that!
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A girl or woman who is hot as hell but you wouldn't stick your dick in her.
Dude I heard you were dating Emily. Her ex Kyle said she is a total toaster
by Gachihyper February 12, 2021
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