Same as laughing out loud, only in a titterly fashion. Basically, a highly fancy way of Lol'ing. Abbrieviated as TOL, TOL'd or TOLing
Tiffany, have you seen the maid's new bonnet? Quite horrendous.
Yes Charles. I actually tittered out loud at the sight of it.
by Guest(76309) December 23, 2011
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A highly advanced word that means someones breast is horrendous.
by LiyahLoverz March 16, 2023
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A phrase used to describe something random, funny, or "meme-worthy."
It can be used as a phrase on its own, or inserted as a playful insult, a joke, etc.
It's mostly used at random, however it can be used to describe something pleasant.
"Good gracious me. I spot a friendly pal consorting with a nearby vendor. What a snee titter."
"Haha, look at that fucklad. (slang for fuckboi ) A most undesirable snee titter."
"God damn it, Chad! Don't be such a snee titter."
"Would you care for some snee titters, good chap?"
by BEAUTIFUL DOG November 13, 2015
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