A small amount of time.

A Tincture is a preparation that contains a potent medicine and an extraction solvent; for example Opium and Alcohol. The solvent pulls elements of the medicine and thins it out.

This is a medical phrase which refers to the fact that the body will fix problems on its own if given time to do so. In fact many problems will resolve if given time, and are made worse by fussing over them.
Give your child Tylenol and tincture of time, and the fever will abate.

Cover the wound, watch for signs of infection, and apply tincture of time. It will heal shortly.
by Trelligan April 8, 2017
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An amount of time no less then but no more then a period which allows one to tincture in full.
This patient will be fine. All he needs is a stool softener, a low grade enema, and a tincture of time.

My plan is perfect and all it requires is spaghettio's, an alarm clock, and a tincture of time.

The problem required a tincture of time. Unfortunatly i didn't have a tincture of time so i swallowed a live pigeon instead.

My girlfriend and i decided we needed a tincture of time away from each other. I didn't know that meant she could sleep with all of my friends, my 12 year old brother, and a chincture

tincture of thyme is an ingredient in a butter based food-it is not the same as tincture of time.
by Julendar Jamess October 1, 2006
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