adj. the digital equivalent of clumsy. Prone to the unintended consequences of ungainly or careless screen mashing.
"Whoa, I think I just sent all of my photos to all of my contacts in Snapchat!"
"That's what you call thumbsy."
by tronglodyte March 6, 2017
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When you and a bro each stick their thumb up their ass and bump knuckles while turned backwards
Me and and the bros always thumbsy-bump at the end of a party. Last night me and kyle did a frontwards thumbsy-bump, our dicks touched but no homo.
by Thumbsy-bumper June 19, 2019
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When you're fingering a girl and you "accidentally" put a finger in her butthole

Stacy: wtf?!
Dan: sorry I guess I'm a little clumsy thumbsy tonight
Stacy: wtf?!
Dan: sorry I guess I'm a little clumsy thumbsy tonight
by shelbers34 March 10, 2015
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