*Note 800,000 dollar field, that could afford the entire school body lunch for atleast two years or could buy every single student a laptop or a really crappy used car. Besides having numerous mold and small rodent infestations, the ceilings still have yet to be replaced (dating back to the 1960'S).
Wow, why does Garden City own a horribly built plastic/rubber field that costs 800,000, but no money is being spent to repair the ceilings that are falling on kids?
by tombrf r fvwrfbwkejrbf October 8, 2005
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Fucking snobs that are full of themselves. Aka snobville.
Floral Park is better than Garden City
by Floral Park February 10, 2018
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A small town in tucked in the corner of Southwest Kansas. Filled with Mexicans that have terrible dental health and style.

Terrible place to raise your kids, unless you want your daughter to get pregnant at 11 (it happens...all the time). Drugs, sex and rock & roll would be their motto, but people mostly like rap music there.

It smells like cow poop. Everywhere. When it rains, you smell it. When the rain dries, you smell it. When it's windy, there's a blanket of poop-smog that is similar to fog itself.

A literal s**t town.
"Yo, I went to Garden City the other day and I swear it's so shitty, it SMELLS like cow poop!"
by saygirlheyy May 20, 2009
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a town where everyone THINKS they are good at lax...but they are not. Everyone thinks they are rich, but the only reason they have money is because mommy and daddy keep borrowing from the bank so they are in debt.

We were thinking of an easy team to scrimmage in lacrosse, so we chose Garden City.
by Samanthaa April 1, 2007
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A place in kansas that everyone knows is the "hey lets have sex, and make constant babies!" second highest teen pregnancy population, and you guessed it! the sluttiest town in america.
man- Hey babe, wanna go to garden city?
women-oh my not more sex!
by StephanieK(nonprego) May 23, 2009
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A small no where town where everyone knows absolutely everyone and their business. You know at least 3 people that live on every street, and your parents most likely grew up in the house across the street. Garden City is a black hole that no one ever truely escapes.
"Scientists just dsicovered the destination of all black holes! Garden City, Michigan."

by Garden City victum June 19, 2011
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Girls from Garden City, Long Island that are really hot and have great bods and sick ass cars. "Daddy's girls", a few have trust funds. They get into fights alot and cause alot of drama too. They like football and lacrosse players and love to party... HARD.
by LO/LC November 27, 2005
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