completely chillen. Head cleared, feet up, blunt in mouth. No worries, No complaints, simply chilllllness.
Karlie is such a chillard.
by swaggerstoops September 11, 2011
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Chillest of them all, Once a chillard enters a room the temperature of the room immediately drops at least 2 degrees, so chill even ice melts around them, chill to the point where tying their shoelace is considered an athletic act. Don't mess with a chillard, they are too chill to try and fix problems and will most likely forget about the issue in an hour.
"Geez, Martin is a straight up chillard!"
"Yo that girl over there is definitely a chillard."
by straightupchillard August 16, 2017
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An alliance of friends who like to kick it . Dersky, Franzke, J Done and a few other randys.
I'm just kickin it with the chillards.
by Derek Anderson May 14, 2008
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The act of shitting, then freezing your shit, then using your frozen shit as a dildo.
Yo Janet,
you want the alaskan chillard tonite?

Oh yeah, I do.
by chillard slayer September 20, 2008
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