what you get when you fuck around with nasty bitches or dirty hoes

possible physical symptoms:
partial or total loss of genital organs

Other symptoms may include but are not limited to:
loss of self esteem
loss of respect from friends and family
Chris: Fuck! One of my balls just fell off and the other one is peeling.

Pete: Remember that girl Sally you hooked up with last night?

Bob: Sally? SHIT nigga you got the BLICKETY!

Chris: *dies*

Sensible female friend of Chris: Damn. I tried to warn him not to mess with that nasty bitch. Serves his ass right.
by blicketylol March 12, 2010
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feeling of being listless, bored, or dull
Nothing happened today, it was blickety blah.
by Chrekol July 2, 2005
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The term given to the offspring of a Black mixed with Latino relationship.
"Dude, is that guy a nigger or a dago?"
"I don't know, maybe he's a blickety spic."
by The Coon Cat January 20, 2004
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