To receive a poo smear on the leg from a girl while she is straddling you and giving you a blow job
The Kinga; She was really good at head, but she gave me a Kinga
by poo on my leg May 11, 2013
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The most kind hearted person on earth , gets all the girls or guys she helps you through out tough times and has such a great sense of humor. she is really good with little kids and really knows how to make someone laugh and knows how to have a good time. If you have a kinga in your life then keep her because she can also make a good bestie and usually their name would start with an " M " for example Miley ;).
Girl: OMG She is the best person in the world !
Other girl : then that must be Kinga :) she is the best and thats on period !!
by Thebestieeeee<3 August 9, 2021
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The sweetest girl to ever walk the earth. She's beautiful, smart, funny and carries her heart on her sleeve. She's the total package and every man falls for her but be careful because her smile can be deceiving.
"That Kinga drives me crazy."

"Kinga broke my heart again."
by Prof. Cornelius February 7, 2010
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Kinga is the most amazing person you can meet. They're beautiful in every way possible. They have the most caring heart despite being through so much pain. They're very shy when you first meet them but once you get to know them they're crazy and fun. They stand for their opinions and they know who to avoid in their life. And again, probably the most perfect person to ever exist.
I’m so glad to have Kinga in my life!
by xxx_.kikii._xxx November 20, 2021
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An adjective describing an attractive girl of Polish descent. The package normally includes a nice rear and long legs to go with it. Normally found accompanied by a gentlemen of Sri Lankan descent.
Check that Kinga out!
I rate that Kinga 8/10!
by Joey Chew October 13, 2004
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A highly intelligent girl whose hopes for humanity are probably gone but who will give her 200% to anyone she cares for. Is an online social butterfly, but shy and quiet in real life. She has the whole package: she's talented, she's beautiful inside and out, she'll make you cry of laughter showing her goofy childish side. But when something disturbs her best friends' peace of mind, she will take that matter in her own hands.
She provides emotional support for those who need it, although only few give her as much as she truly deserves. She often thinks of herself as no big deal, whereas, from her close friends' POV, she's absolutely divine: you can have serious deep conversations with her, you can rant about whatever topic comes to your mind, you can talk to her without holding back knowing she won't ever judge you. She rarely appreciates her own talents and doesn't always accept compliments from friends, but she deserves everything.

She has a lot of skills she thinks are common, such as speaking all sorts of tricky languages and being able to draw or play instruments, however those skills make her stand out among her friend group, and deep down EVERYONE wishes they were like Kinga. Girls and boys are waiting in the lineup, but she's very picky (and has plenty of reasons, e.g. a very hot friend).
The word "King" is part of the name "Kinga", making every Kinga out there in the world a queen, as long as she uses her God-given talents for good.

Hail the Kinga
Lesbian 1: Yo I just met a hot chick, I think her name's Kinga. She made a joke and I literally started choking of laughter, like she's so funny and for what-
Lesbian 2: If I were you, I would've asked her to choke me the other way too!
Lesbian 1: Ah I can't believe I missed such an opportunity!
by miranda.lyss November 21, 2021
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The best person you could ever meet , she is kind , funny and pretty she can always get at the guys or girls she makes a great bestfriend and their name usually starts with an " M " for example : Miley ;) or Milo or Molly. She is always there for you through tough times and really knows how to party and make someone laugh.

She is the best person in the WORLD!!!! usually " Kinga's " are LGBTQ with stands for ( Lesbian , Gay , Bi Sexual ) and I dont know the rest but yeah ! KINGASROCK!!!
other girl : Who ? OHHH Maybe KINGA ??
by Thebestieeeee<3 August 9, 2021
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