Someone who's opinion is depicted to be average or below average. Also a very redundant modern term.
Person 1: Hey I like Destiny 2
Person 2: You are fucking mid
by Falke March 24, 2022
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The shortened term for middle, despite being commonly used to define something that is atrocious, rather than tolerable.
“This video is mid
by sonicguy1991 May 8, 2022
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Slang for I want to be homosexually penetrated really hard.
Person 1: mid
Person 2: alright, tonight then.
by ReginaldSmithson November 17, 2021
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When you have sexual intercourse or take part in sexual intimacy with three midgets in one sitting.
“Yooo dude. I just got midded last night. I had one dwarf round my neck and the other two on my shaft and balls!!!”
by Miljol July 21, 2020
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word used to discredit someone or something, as to say mediocre
KTM: my favorite singer is Justin Bieber
KTV: Jb is mid dude
by yvng.lore January 22, 2022
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Literally @dumbface5000
Wow @dumbface5000 is shockingly mid!
by Timmy_$hmurda November 1, 2022
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A word that teenage boys use to describe something as less then good, but not bad. In hopes that somebody will think they are cool for using stupid, fad slang.
Teen boy 1: “dude, was that girls box nice or what broski??”
Teen boy 2: “eh, shit was mid bro.”
by Nyquillis dillwad the third January 6, 2022
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