a person who WILL annoy you a lot but at the same time is a stupidly fun person to be around.
That Bitch is Connor
by Karma704 February 25, 2019
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Someone who can relate to almost anyone and loves all his closest friends. He will listen to your problems and try to help the best he can. He is the very athletic kind of guy. He is also very sarcastic at times and is also optimistic. So an all around great guy who will eventually find the girl that fits him best
Connor is a great guy!
by want.another.chance.please? December 13, 2010
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A boy who makes sexual jokes all the time but in a relationship is actually quite nice.
‘Omg aren’t you dating that guy who always talks about sex?!’
Yeah but don’t worry he’s a total Connor
by Yourpersonalityrevealed November 1, 2018
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Friend (During Sleepover): Connor, calm down you had too many beans!
Connor:( Flashback: looking for beans at 3 am and finding the Bean God on FaceTime).
Connor: *Obnoxiously loud, violent farting*
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A guy with a large penis that is said to be the ulitimate sexy weapon. He is a sex God, every girl he knows or walks past wants to fuck him so bad. But he also has a side of him that makes you want to fall in love with him. I don't know if it's his drop dead good looks or his sweet personality. Or just his love for everyone. Whatever it is. A Connor is the best person to be around, no matter what your looking for.
NOTE: A connor is not easy breezy though. :) xx
'I heard Kate is going out with Connor now!'
'Oh no, kate is a player, she will brake his heart!'
'Connor is such a awesome guy I wish I was going out with him. I would NEVER hurt him.'
'NO! I wish he was going out with me. I would NEVER EVER hurt him.'
(cat fight!)
by Guess Who!! :) xx November 18, 2011
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The Android sent by Cyberlife to the Detroit Police Department, to help Lieutenant Hank Anderson with the Deviant Investigation.
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