When someone is confronted by criticism, but don't want to use it as advice to improve, they pull "The Hater Card" where they'll call you or others a hater, say the phrase "Haters gonna hate" or anything involving the word "Hater" as a means to avoid the criticism.
"Hey, although it is funny, try not to repeat the joke all that much. It'll become unfunny after a couple times."

"Haters gonna hate!"

"You're just going to pull The Hater Card because you don't like what I said? Fuck off."
by Mylittlepony April 12, 2018
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A title or label given to someone whois Hating on someone or something (Negative speech or behavior towards someone or thing that is successful or happy) Vindictive-Apparel made a T- Shirt named Hater Card based off of this phrase. Their character Dic Vindive is someone who generally hates on others so in the comic; he is often given the "hater card".
by streetlife August 17, 2010
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