The event of sweat pooling from your asscrack/buttcheeks/gooch pooling onto bedsheets after a long hot masturbation session. Such a flood only occurs after extended periods of jacking off. The result is a very wet spot on your sheets/bed/wherever you were sitting, causing you extreme discomfort, resulting in a changing of position.
I was jacking off last night in bed and I caused a such a bad Texas Flood that I had to switch spots in bed.
by Damian/Ryan April 22, 2007
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Also a famous Stevie Ray Vaughn song, but this event occurs after a long day of drinking margaritas and other alcoholic beverages in Austin, TX, or any other Texas town. The offender passes out on your bathroom floor naked just having vomited in your tub and trying to conceal the faux pas by washing it down the drain. You subsequently wake up in a 2-3 inch lake in your house, apt, or hotel room from the resulting vomitus blocking the drain. Legal action will depend on the dwelling this was completed in.
Jake was so bombed on slippery nipples after the UT game he caused a Texas Flood and evacuted the whole second floor of my condo!!
by shakesNC February 13, 2007
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