to tell on someone is to inform his or her parent/guardian/superior/jedi that they were recently caught doing the hibbity gibbity with their cousin and are now acting sheepish.
Oh my god, Tim, don't you know that telling on your mate is not lekker!
by Milkmobile July 25, 2014
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A series of ironic Instagram accounts similar to .feels or .moments however this side of the community is much smaller and mainly consist of the Ghestisisters
Godzilla.tells died in littlemac.moments lore
by Crock Potter August 7, 2019
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Tells - Function: Noun; Entymology: Tell; A private message in a video game or chat client, etc, that only the sender and recipient see.

Variants: Tellstorm (A large amount of tells)
<I'm getting a lot of tells, hold on.>
<Tellstorm, just a sec.>
by Ryan Hamilton October 22, 2005
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Used in affirmation or agreement to a discussion or shortened version of "I'm telling you" originated by the legendary Dennis Ononikpo.
Friend : it was great seeing you today.
Me : Tells it's been a minute.
by Dernyz May 12, 2019
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To tell is another way of saying you’re one to talk idk where it came from but me and my friends say it all the time
Lucy- “You’re actually stunning.”

Maia - “To tell.”
by Lucy Gray September 7, 2019
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Telling me something that is fake
by October 11, 2020
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To inform authorities on some one or to snitch because you are to much of a pussy to stand up for yourself.
Chris is going to tell on Matt for unplugging his mouse.
by mnjsan March 8, 2010
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