cultural warfare. TV companies cater to the lowest-common-denominator, people's weaknesses to make profit.
by normal October 24, 2003
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a complete waste of time. also a form of mind control.
Adam bought himself a television. Over the years, Adam became lazy, fat and suffered from severe brain rot! He constantly felt the need to buy something, even though he didn't need it! He eventually died on his couch.
by Paul J Parkinson April 26, 2005
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What, TV used to educate, inform and inspire? Let's broadcast the Bold and the Beautiful instead, gets more ratings.
by whamawhama May 17, 2004
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Shit that only lazy/ameri cunts watch. The problem is, we don't fucking NEED television.
Television is for Americans aka lazy people.
by Anonymous July 28, 2004
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A device that causes attention whatever...yeah, so like i was watching friends the other night and....
Why were we so surprised on 9/11? Because we watch too much television!
by TiberiusJulius February 22, 2005
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A complicated device that is used to brodcast propaganda to all children of a small stature and young unscathed minds. Also used to rot and/or melt older more advanced persons minds to a point of oozing out of the nose area.
Bob, the 22 year old man, was watching television as his brain started to run out of his nose.
Johny joined the voted for Ralph Nater as his mind was taken over by the green party's evil, sinister propaganda comercial scam.
by Scott Anderson December 30, 2004
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A rather complicated communicative device, transmitting images and sounds which aren't too important, as long as everybody, who's watching, somehow manage to get the message and finally comprehend what he\she REALLY wants.
Hey, honey! Know what? I've been watching a soap, and suddenly it downed on me: I need a new car! You wouldn't want your wife to drive this ugly old monster anymore, would you?
by fogey April 25, 2005
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