One who is so stupid that they move beyond the tard stage to tardass. Step two of three in the tard dimension.
"Brandon, you have been demoted to tardass."

"One more step until I reach the highest level of tarddom!"
by Shimdaddy July 7, 2003
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A noun in which specifically describes a person who is acting really stupid and retarded at the same time.
Why did you just stick you're hand in that bear trap, you fucking tardass?
by Ashley~The One and Only~ July 15, 2008
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some one who is obnixous and or a fucking retard
god alex you are such a tardass
by mike budinsk March 10, 2009
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Something you can call someone if they’re being stupid , or annoying. Or just a word you call your friends for no particular reason.
“Stop stealing my food you tardass.”

“You’re such a tardass.”

Shut up you tardass.”
by Big donger November 17, 2019
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bitches that say shit without knowing anything
Kiara: "I personally think that the Titanic is the best movie created"
Jacob: "No it's Cars 2 tardass"
by dolphnn April 30, 2023
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