A fan who insists upon having the only right approach to the object of his fandom. Often followed by ferocious outrage when the authors or creators let others contribute in the further development of the fictive universe.

First used by Bob Eggleton and refered to by Brian Herbert in his blog http://www.dunenovels.com/dune7blog/page21.html
Q: Why is he so pissed of? Din't he like the Lord of the rings movies?
A: No he insists Tom Bombadill should have made an appearance, and dont get him started on the elves songs. He is such a talifan
by PugCy April 4, 2009
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Strawman fallacy used by hack writers on any instance when it is pointed out how they have screwed the lore and author's original ideas in 50 different ways and they need to blame the audience for noticing it.
"Everything we've written in our Dune novels is consistent with what Frank Herbert wrote. They're just talifans! I mean who are you going to believe: us or your lying eyes?"
by EatsSpiceforKicks July 20, 2023
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