A total ignoramus when it comes to debating or discussing logically during a political discourse
Congressman Barney Frank : "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."
by yankhadenuf September 12, 2009
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Someone who cannot be reasoned with, especially when confronted with the facts.
"Ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it."
by francaises August 19, 2009
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Someone who is unable to think for him- or herself and attempts to liken President Obama with Hitler.
Dude, I'd explain why the sky is blue, but you're so stupid you're a dining room table.


Barney Frank to Idiot: "Having a conversation with you would be like having a conversation with my dining room table."
by Lexapros and Lexicons August 19, 2009
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Refers to a list of people that you would have sexual relations with on the dinning room table at thanksgiving regardless of who was sitting at the table. Someone who is an ultimate sexual fantasy.
The queen of England is definitely not on my dinning room table list...
by TNflyguy June 25, 2014
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