It means the gay. You use t3h gh3y when you are referring to someone.
Dude, Max, you are t3h gh3y.
by Doug April 12, 2004
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Those big ass honkahs dat is attashed to da frun of evree bich n hoe in Ha'lem.
Did yall just see t3h b3wbz on dat HO? I could juss ****....
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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Internet lingo for the mean, mean streets where fights are plentiful and all Internet martial artists are badd-ass. Typically used as an example why certain styles, from TKD to BJJ, won't work.
yo fer real doh... that wouldn't work on t3h str33t. you don't want to go to the ground, you might land on some glass...
by Locu5 July 9, 2004
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Leet "1337" word. Meaning Incredibly awesome, sweet, chill, kick ass, tight, awesome beyond all reason.
Bob: Im t3h r0x0r!
God: Stfu. I am.
Bob: kay.
by Full Metal Moo Cow July 2, 2006
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1. synonymous with "very funny"
2. alternative spelling for "the lol"
3. t3h meaning "the", lol meaning "laugh out loud"
"T3h L0L! D@t b3 d@ sh1zn1t, y0!!!!!!1
by Sam November 11, 2004
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t3h rape (n) - This is a term which can be applied in a wide variety of situations.

1. To show ones great approval of a certain situation.

2. To express ones personal accomplishment in a situation

note: t3h can be used to turn nearly any word in to a noun, and furthermore, a noun bearing the same definition as ownage or own
1. <i>"That gametype was liek, t3h rape!"

2. <i>"I owned, and that was t3h rape!"

note: t3h sxe, t3h win, t3h own, t3h jesus.
by Schtook August 23, 2006
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(n) a word to describe a person who is the best at somethign in any given particular group, especially fighting games. Derived from:

T3H = The
1337 = leet = elite
prawnzor = ownage + ownzor + prawn

T3h 1337 prawnzor = The elite ownage prawn ownzor

Used in sentences such as:
Player 1: OMFG I just no-scoped that Player 2 noob from the other side of the map! W00t!

Player 3: LOL you are t3h 1337 prawnzor!
by T3h 133735t 3p1c f@1l n00b eva December 17, 2009
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