a rare strain of syphillis that is 5x worse that regular and in cludes symptoms of the flu and regular syphillis but more severe
"dude this sucks i got the syphillis but its worse than it should be"

"maybe you have the syphillitis"

"because ya seeeeeeeeeeeieeeeeieeeeeieeeeeeeieee" when ya get the syphillitis, its gonna be preety bad"
by CRAIDman December 26, 2009
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To catch or have syphilis. Also used to describe someone who is insane, whether it is because of syphilis or not (because syphilis causes insanity if not treated).
"I just had sex with a hooker that had syphilis. I have been syphilized!"


"That guy is acting crazy! He must be syphilized!"
by Durpe December 18, 2006
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To catch or have syphilis. Also used to describe someone who is insane, whether it is because of syphilis or not (because syphilis causes insanity if not treated).
"I just had sex with a hooker that had syphilis. I have been syphilized!"


"That guy is acting crazy! He must be syphilized!"
by Durpe December 12, 2006
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The absolute WORST STD you can get. This is shit you get from a NASTY hoe!
"Dude, stay away from her, she's got the herpaghonal syphilitis!"
by JeffJeffJeff March 5, 2006
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something you dont EVER want to touch, especially with your willy.
Stay away from that trick! It has herpa-hepa-syphil-aids, not to mention scabs all over!
by wikkdkitty January 26, 2009
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An extremely deadly airborne disease that causes instant death to anyone whose IQ is less than 211.

It was first reported by a man who witnessed a pedobear with HIV rape a pig with a cold. the doctors first diagnosed him with HIV-swine-flu-syphilis, but decided to throw an "itis" on the end of it, to make it sound more terrifying.

Symptoms include vomiting, DEATH, sneezing, spontaneous erotic thoughts or images floating through one's mind, suicide, tourettes, and the sudden, irrational fear of being raped by a pedobear.

HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis can also be spread by Urban Dictionary.com. Thus, if you have read this, you may have HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis!

There is no known cure for HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis...and there will never be one!
HAHAHA, you have read this entry, thus you have HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis!
by G-@non November 11, 2009
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A term used to describe the countless STD's one may have
Bitch please, everyone knows you spread like peanut butter.. You're just asking for herpa-gona-syphilitis.
by kxe420 May 6, 2011
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