n. the swagger of a douche
Wow. Look at him and his swouche.

He's so cute, but he's got such a bad swouche that I just can't date him.
by rybran November 6, 2009
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To take a wisk of generally strong Russian vodka, or sometimes Listerine, and forcibly hose it into the depths of the vaginal abyss of a female, hence rendering your mouth a makeshift douchebag, or in this case a swouchebag.
Emily Cronin's vaginal chasm had once again filled itself with moderately sized fungal colonies, and I offered to swouche it for her and rid it of its live cultures.
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Short for the words (Swag and douche).

One who thinks they have swag by limiting their vocabulary strictly to douchey terms and phrases of this generation.
Ricardo " WHY TF does Hakeem always say 'YOLO', 'or nah?', and 'on fleek!!!!'"

Dayqwuon " Because he doesn't know any other words..."
Ricardo & Dayqwuon "...WHAT A SWOUCHE!!!!XD bahahhahah"
by milleniumQueen April 15, 2015
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a sound made when douching the vagina.
last night when my girlfriend was cleaning her box and i heard the loudest swouche ever.
by wam November 20, 2004
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