More accurate term for SWERFs. They shouldn't be associated with feminism in any way, so going forward they can be Sex Worker Exclusionary Vocal Extremists.
A: Sex workers promote the concept that a woman's body belongs to men
B: Don't be such a SWEVE!

C: SWERF is a slur! Don't call me a SWERF just because I think that women who sell their bodies shouldn't be protected by feminism!
D: It's not a slur, ALL women should be protected by feminism - and you have nothing to do with feminism - f*ck off you SWEVE!
by AmberMixxy July 9, 2018
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A word that was created by Grace and made popular by Forrest. It is a word of happiness and wonderful things.

1. You say sweve when you think something is wildly amazing beyond your dreams.

2. You can say it when your talking about how someone carries themselves.
Grace: Hey Forrest! I just made a Million Dollars!
Forrest: Holy shit! Thats so sweve!


*Forrest preforms a backflip*
Grace: Wow, you got some sweve, yo!
by Hair Weave Killer January 26, 2014
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