A kick-ass cross country team from virginia! they are wicked fast and always competing for the state title against midlothian they will win in 2012! they are gorgeous girls they are teamates who love each other and runners who can race their hearts out for the 5k.
Go supergals!

Boys team: we wish we were as cool as the supergals!
by SUPERGAL7 December 19, 2011
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ballin-ass prehistoric reptile who'll fuck youre shit up.

super gator does his own stunts.

supergator and chuck norris were once roommates. tensions arose...

there were rumers he could beat jackie chan in hand to hand combat.

he's bulletproof, tears have no effect on him. he's std proof AND volcano proof.

his 2nd cousin twice removed is the velociraptor with a jetpack and pair of scissors.
noun: "oh shit, look out for the supergator"
verb: "i went supergator on that bitch"
adjective: "you look mighty supergator"
by Supergatorfan#1 April 17, 2010
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Comes from the french for "super cool"
Hey did you go to the concert? It was superg cool.
by Hollie May 13, 2004
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