Sumatera is mixed/ or fully Indonesian. He is a rare to find and when you find one you should stick with them. He has beautiful eyes and a ridiculous facial structure. Similar to the island, Sumatera is tall, big and strong and will almost always beat anyone up who is an asshole. With this ridiculous build he is above average at sports. Everything about him is exquisite. He has a big dick helping to increase his countries average. He is sometimes lazy. He is extremely inteligent with a high scoring iq but finds it hard to concentrate sometimes. The girls adore. The mums adore him. Sumatera is a gentlemen and loves to help people in need. He loves his family and his friends. Sumatera is loyal and honest (unless dishonesty is the best solution).
To be Sumatera, or not to be Sumatera. What a stupid question?
Did you see Sumatera , thats a rare person , I should get his number.

Sumatera is so sexy!
OMG don't you just want to fuck Sumatera
by SammySara February 12, 2018
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