to stop, to refuse to go on
"The sun was still high, sulled in the sky like a mule, ..." Larry McMurtry, Lonesome Dove
by opper May 16, 2009
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Teachers who will first fail there kids and then eat them afterwords.
(Usually females but no one knows for sure ;)
Girl: I failed the test again.
Boy: Sull?
Girl: Yup.
by fmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfmlfml February 22, 2009
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The most saxiest man ever and he makes the best curry that is made in a toilet and most Sulls are annoying asf
Ur so much like god damn sull
by Cheeto bot 123 December 7, 2019
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To become sullen and begin to pout or sulk.
We were having a great time playing wiffle ball, until my 10 year old little sister struck out. After that she got all sulled up and wouldn't play.
by Sopheee October 19, 2009
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To describe someone who is cool.
Leo is sull and XTM is bleezed.
by George Yankof November 22, 2021
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A real hero, sexy and hot. Everyone wanna to Fuck him. He is charmig hot and A gentlemen, he is ofcours A Black man with A huge Dick. Vert Good in vrf and not A dushebag, Erik and Agnes Halin should be together, becous sulle has A large Dick.
Sullssterr, Omg he hasa big sulle
by Tuffasulan December 12, 2016
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