If someone says they went to Burger King and "got a suicide," it is not a cause for panic, nor are they making a quip about how unhealthy the food is.

They are instead referring to a mixture of at least two but usually three or more sodas. Legend has it, all suicides taste the same.

Not typically used to refer to alcoholic drinks, which may lead to actual suicide (if accidental). To avoid confusion, "suicide drink" can also be used.
I got a suicide (drink) at Burger King with Coke, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper and Sprite. Tastes exactly like every other suicide I've ever made.
by roundhousegrasshopper July 9, 2012
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A legendary beverage mixture usually made in the dining section of a fast food restaurant that tastes something akin to bubblegum. Typically using 3 or more drink options mixed together.

Though only a true pleb goes for anything less than ALL available options.
"Dude. Did you see that?!"
"Yeah, Erin just got a suicide (drink)!"
"A suicide?"
"Yeah. A suicide just means she just mixed all the drinks!"
"What a badass."
by PickleRiiick January 13, 2018
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A mixture of Dr. Pepper (or store brand rip-off), Wasabi, and alot of soy sauce into a shot glass. Everyone stands by a sink and on the count of 5 every one chugs the glass. Repeat untill some one throws up. You can also put liquer into this deadly mix.


Guy #1: Hey have you heard of theese japanese suicide drink thingy's?

Guy #2: Yeah, me and my freind did a few rounds yesterday night.

Guy #1: Oh yeah? How did that go?

Guy #2: Let's say we ended up in a hospital ER with a non-ending stream of puke pouring out of my freind's mouth.

Guy #1: So it went good?

Guy #2: Yeah.
suicide puke drinks fun dizzy japanese suicide drink
by The Homless Hobo July 28, 2011
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