A hawaiian name meaning Night Hawk. A person filled will laughter and a penchant for drinking copious amounts of alchohol.
Person: I drank like a subia last night.

"Dude you're such a subia."
by ashkercon October 26, 2011
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A Subias is the last name given to a total badass that plays waterpolo or has survived the wrath of kristen quesadilla.
Hey did Anna survice kristen quesadilla's bitch fit today?
Yea, she's a total subias.
by gangnamonster September 30, 2012
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Its an special pakistani name. These type of girls named subia tend to be really nice and kind to everyone and theyhave many boys running around them , love to have boyfriends, can have a fun night everyday
Wow look at that peng sexy thing
dont you know she is a subia
by ssssffffggg... October 20, 2021
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