Stupid people day is where you can do any thing stupid and no one can make fun of you for it
Hey guess what


It’s stupid people day
by October 26, 2020
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You're not really stupid, because its the longest word in the English language.
Guy: stupid people who don't know how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Guy 2: I'm not stupid because its the longest word in exsistence!
Guy: OK! But its true because the name of this "NEW WORD" is called that!
Guy 2: But it says you're not really stupid!
Guy: Oh yeah, I guess so... Hah?
by SirenHeadPlayz12345 December 26, 2020
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People do say some shockingly stupid things in every day life.
here are just a few of them!
you ask, "How ya doing...?"
And then courteously they answer "High"...!

"Have a nice day!!"
"no i'm aiming for a shitty one"

"I found it!!! it was in the last place i looked!!"
"well of course it was. youd be pretty stupid to keep looking after you found it"

"drive safely!"
"no i'm going to drive along at 100mphm with my eyes closed!"

"my eyes aren't what they used to be"
"what were they? ears?"

"He has his mothers eyes"
"no i'm pretty sure their mine"

"Find yourself a nice man!"
"no i'm trying to find one who's going to be on the run, wanted for murder 24/7"

"is there anyone there?"
"nope, no one here!"

someone phones you in the middle of the night "are you asleep?"
"no, i answered the phone in my sleep"

"can i ask you a question?"
"you just did."

"Life is short."
"no its not. tell me one thing you can do that's longer."

a person is lying on the road bleeding to death "stay with us! don't go!"
"do i look like i could leave if i wanted to??"

"they should put lights on this step so blind people dont trip on it!

note: any offense by "stupid things people say" is unintentional. do not take it seriously.
by Tsukasa a.k.a Blue Moon August 12, 2010
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Much like stupid pet tricks they are amusing for the observer, but demeaning for the participant, whether they realize it or not. Often life threatening, dangerous, unnecessary, and, of course stupid. Including, but not limited to, russian roulette, sky diving, cliff jumping, hiking in isolated areas, letting your kid get in a weather balloon in Arizona, but not really, for publicity. Often SWPT can involve wild animals as well.
Guy 1: Did you hear gary got killed over the weekend?

Guy 2: How?

Guy 1: He tried to feed a bear and pet it.

Guy 2: Ah, Stupid White People Tricks.
by Sleepy D March 1, 2010
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