A stupid person


Donuts backwards
You're not suppose to touch a hot stove burner, you fucking Stunod!
by MqTallica December 29, 2005
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The word stunod can be used in three different ways, just like the word, stupid. For example, "That was such a stunod thing to do." Or, "How can you be so stunod?"(the second way of putting stunod in a sentence is not commonly used). And lastly "You're such a stunod" which is the most commonly used way of saying the word. The definition of stunod is someone/something/an unreasonable event, that was stupid. When you say stunod, it is just like saying stupid but you can use the word in more sentences and it adds a bit of spice to your insult/joke. Only the most elite people use the word, stunod.
1: "You're such a stunod."

2: "That was such a stunod thing to do."

3: "How could you be so stunod?" (least commonly used)
by norgan freeman March 4, 2021
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