The display of opinionated beliefs from a Staffordian which are fuelled by the attributes of parochial arrogance blended with pig-headed ignorance (i.e. someone from "Stafford" projecting an "attitude" = "staffortude"). People with a "staffortude" can't be told any different. Mainly because they've never left Stafford.
John: "I heard there has been evidence of poor care at your local hospital?"

Cheryl (hyperventilating) : "Yeah, well it's all lies and there's been a cover up which you don't know about, 'cuz you're not from Stafford. It was a data error, and all those people didn't die and now kids can't be born in Stafford anymore. And I was born in Stafford! And Julie Bailey closed the hospical down, and my nan died there and they were brilliant ..."

John: "Alright, alright. Calm down with the fucking staffortude."
by NickMcGay February 7, 2017
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