squeef (v.) - to be isolated, humiliated, or shunned from a group; munsoned; to be easily embarrassed or made fun of; to be painfully difficult in ordinary settings; to over-analyze the most simple issues; to be extremely awkward and make situations extremely uncomfortable
We had no choice but to squeef him due to his incessant verbal diarrhea.
by Zexlaaaaaaaa December 6, 2010
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when you make a squeaking noise while queefing, typically this may occur when you run out of lube and decide to use car wax.
girl: man, I squeefed as my boyfriend pulled out the other day! at first it was embarrassing, but then he told me he was into it.
other girl: what the fuck
by squeakyvagina March 12, 2023
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A cross between a squirt and a queef.
When a girl queefs and squirts
"Yeah man, she squeefed all over me!"
by JustYourAverageZombie June 10, 2016
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