A really painful muscle expansion that hurts to move in certain directions or ways. Sprains usually are going to hurt for about 3 or so weeks. I have a sprained foot and I can barely walk on it. I'm in a boot, so clearly sprains are pains. ( IT RHYMES SO IT'S 100% TRUE ) I'm not sure what the types of sprain are but I know they hurt. If you think you have a sprain go to the doctor ASAP ! Sprains can last a while so talk to your doctor and he/she will work things out.
1. Oh no, Mommy! I think I may have sprained my ankle!

2. I may sprain my ankle if I trip over these boulders.
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~When you touch your nipple so much it feels like you sprained it.

~the feeling of a sprained knee but on your breast.

~when your lover bites your nipple so hard during a sexual encounter that you feel he/she has sprained it.
Sara- "Johnny bit my nipple so hard last night that I feel like he sprained it...should i see a doctor..or nah?"
Jamie- "Nah girl its just a sprained nipple."
by jamieB February 18, 2014
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What happens when you think more than you're accustomed to without properly stretching your brain first. Can result in serious brain pain and possibly permanent brain malfunction. Can be caused by overstudying, overthinking, overphilosophizing, and the chronic use of hallucinogens, which can decrease brain function and thus make an accidental sprain more likely.
Person: I've got my calculus class at 7am tomorrow...aauughh....

Friend: Oh yeah, I took that one last semester. I got a sprained brain from it, make sure you stretch before class.

Person: ...how...do you stretch your brain?

Friend: I dunno, but it gives you an interesting visual, doesn't it?
by Kayl June 12, 2008
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To be suffering pain in the bum brought on through either too much of or non use of the bum.
God damn! This bum sprain is killing me. I need to stand up/sit down.
by TheWizeMan August 1, 2017
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A minor injury brought on by particularly enthusiastic sexual activity.
"I can't go running this morning because I've got a sex sprain from last night."
by j-money-philly June 23, 2006
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the painful result of either allowing ones eyes to roll too far back in ones head, or straining to avoid rolling them.
I suffered serious eye sprain when my boss was showing off in front of a customer.
by misterious yo February 2, 2010
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in the event of playing Wii, you sprain a body part
Yesterday, while I was playing Wii Sports, I swung to much on baseball and got a Wii-Sprain.
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