A man/woman that can run faster than the speed of light
He's fast. He is one speedy boi
by One speedy boi February 7, 2018
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a Eurobeat song made by Marko Polo. It was used in the Illegal Street Racing anime "Initial D" in their 2nd Season in 1999 and most likely to be heard in Car Memes.

People who don't watch Initial D or don't listen to Eurobeat may find the song "Gay"
*takumi *(the main protagonist in the anime) drifts his car*

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A real or fictional person who is capable of moving or performing an act at an above average speed, and uses that skill for the purpose of humor.
"Wow, how did he catch us all so easily." "I know right, and he had a smirk the whole time, what a speedy boi."
by TabsTheGreat November 7, 2019
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